Wednesday, April 21, 2010


We got some news, from the scan she took when 1st diagnosed compared to the one now, its a great improvement. She still has a mass on her adrenal gland but everything else is gone. The doc is extremely excited on how well her health, development and how she is dealing w/ the treatments.Its way past what he predicted. She is now scheduled to finish all 8 cycles then more scans, then surgery.

Cycle 5 starts next week since her counts are low. After the next cycle i will have to give her a shot so her counts are not low anymore and we go on schedule, the doc doesn't want to wait anymore. Her health is fine he just doens't want to hold things up anymore.

Good news..but not what i wanted to hear. "sorry Regina she doesn't have cancer it was a mistake" is what i wanted to hear. Thank you all for the comments and support.

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