Saturday, July 23, 2011

enjoying her birthday weekend!

she got a dollhouse. She just can't figure out why she can't sit in the chairs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear she had a great birthday! She is so adorable and I hope she is doing well kicking Neuroblastoma's butt! (I follow you all on twitter but don't get on it too much till lately and I found her cute blog through twitter) My little guy has been fighting Neuroblastoma since he was 3 months old, and he is now almost 2 and a half. Tues. and Thurs. he goes in for scans, if those scans are clear, he'll be NED for a year. Today, 2 years ago he was diagnosed. It's been a crazy 2 years! Wishing your sweet girl all the best and I'm following her blog now. (we have a blog on here too and Keegan has a Caring Bridge page)